mind the gap

Pulling into the station

April 02, 2004

We're not going to talk about my dietary intake for today.

Okay, I lie, we are.

Last night for dinner, I had a Claim Jumper's meat lasagna (?). This one was much better than the last one I had. The last one was... revoltinig. I'm going to blame it on the parm cheeze that I added. **Note to buyers: Sunny Select refridgerated parm, shredded, is no good. Blech. Buy your own block and do it yourself. You'll thank me later.** And moving on to today's ever so healthy lunch. I say that with as much sarcasm as I can muster.

Cheetos. Snickers. And a diet Coke.

I'll wait until you are done beating me.

Can I justify the junk? No. Do I feel guilty? Only about the bag of Cheetos. (It was a small bag, but still.) So, to make up for my indescretions at lunch today, I am going to make me a salad for dinner. So I need to go get the stuff on the way home, I guess. I'm out of cheese and lettuce. Details.

And conveniently located four houses down the street is a park. A park that I will be walking in today. I haven't been there yet, but I hope there's a path that goes all the way around. Remember walking at the lake or at a park and they'd have those little exercise stations? Maybe this park has those, too. Although you won't be seeing me doing any pull ups. God, I hate those.

Well, the boss disappeared to a lunch/meeting thing at Applebees. Thanks for the warning. He left at 1. I was supposed to leave at 1:30. Seeing as how he left the dogs here... Yeah, I'm stuck here til he gets back. And lord knows when that will be. So much for getting outta here early! I am going to make use of this time, however. I have a Mythology paper topic due on Monday. I need to pick a damn topic.

Wish me luck.

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Breaking Up - July 20, 2006
Chugga Chugga Woo Woo - June 14, 2006
Dammit.Janet. - May 31, 2006
Zee Tee-Vee - May 25, 2006
Tra-la tra-la - May 07, 2006

mind the gap