
patti - 2004-01-28 09:25:42
jessie, i don't want to sound cheesy or anything, but if you just take a step back and try to look at things in a "big picture" kind of way, things might seem more bearable. I know you can get through this again, but you can't be afraid to ask for help. Therapy is useless if you are forced into it but it can really help people who feel like this. what you have gone through is real and would be damaging to anyone. just know that you are not alone.
Tessa - 2004-01-28 12:29:36
Oh, honey! I know nothing I say can make it better. If it wouldn't offend you, I'd like to pray for you... (I have no idea what your beliefs are as far as God goes...) I don't know what to say, other than, keep writing. You are most definitely loved. I know that doesn't fix anything or really make it better right now, but... I thought you should know.

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