
Aubrey - 2005-03-22 19:54:39
So, we have the same crap in Kansas (the rain that's not quite rain but not quite drizzle). About the shirt, can't you change the water level on your washer? Mine has like 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10. If I do one shirt I just use level 2. My washer is not exactly up to date either. Drying it? Well, I put my stuff in the dryer that I used to not because I have a setting that is called "Air Dry". Supposed to be just like hanging it up in the house. I put it on "less dry" then hang it up. It works!
Beth - 2005-03-23 08:55:28
You couldn't go to Vegas ONE WEEK LATER? I'm leaving NEXT Thursday! That would have been cool. Ah well.

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