mind the gap

Pulling into the station

March 22, 2005

Dear Target:
You shouldn't carry Belkin products for iPods. They don't work. So says the guy at the Apple store. And I agree.

* iPod loaded and ready to go? Check.
* Toiletries bag packed? Check.
* Laundry? um... mostly check.
* Quarters ready to go? Check.
* Easter goodies? Check.
* Bags packed? Hell no.

My mom seems to be under the impression that we will be leaving nice and early on Friday morning. I kindly informed her that the dog and I will protest this wholeheartedly. Oh who am I kidding? Dog Boy will be beside himself - he gets to go in the car. This is like the equivilant of winning the lottery in his little doggy world.

So I went and exchanged that FM airwave thing and got one that actually works now. And in the box was this thing - sign up and get two free audibooks for your iPod. I'm sorry, did you say free? Yes please! I've been listening to "Monday Mourning" at work today. I've been waiting for this book to come out in paperback. (I hate hate hate reading hardback books.) But listening to it is just as good. And hell, I can plug in that FM thing and listen to it on the way home while I'm in traffic. Now that, my friends, is pure happy-in-the-pants. (My other book? "State of Fear." Sorry, Mom, all science/tech and no romance.)

Okay, I have a dilema. I stupidly wore my green T-Shirt to work today. Which means that I need to wash it either tonight or tomorrow because it's going to Vegas with me. This is one of the few T-Shirts that I don't toss in the dryer - it gets hung up to dry in the bathroom (in direct line of the heater, which helps). But here's the problem - I really don't have enough to make a load of laundry tonight, but if I wait until tomorrow, I will. But if I wait until tomorrow, the shirt won't be dry by the morning to put into my suitcase. (Although, I probably could leave it hanging in my car while I'm at work... We don't actually leave until butt-crack early on Thursday.) I hate making these decisions.

And could someone stop this wannabe rain? It's not quite rain, but not quite a drizzle...

2 comments so far

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Breaking Up - July 20, 2006
Chugga Chugga Woo Woo - June 14, 2006
Dammit.Janet. - May 31, 2006
Zee Tee-Vee - May 25, 2006
Tra-la tra-la - May 07, 2006

mind the gap