
David - 2005-05-26 16:31:57
You know, what might be even better than a cd rack is to buy a bunch of those thin plastic cd holders from costco and just transfer the cds into those. Or one or two cd folders that you can also put the lyrics into. Point is, the jewel cases just take up a ton of unnecessary space. You'd be surprised how many cds you can fit into a small space once you get rid of their cases.
Aubrey - 2005-05-29 14:06:16
You know what you should do? Call up Ty Pennington and ask him to make his kick ass CD holder that I saw on one of the Trading Spaces shows back in the day. It was made out of wood and it hung on the wall. I'll have to send you a drawing. It was so cool though! David's idea is sweet too! Have a garage sale! I had a box of stuff I took to RJ's parents G.S. and made like $11 (good for Hays).

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