mind the gap

Pulling into the station

February 11, 2005

So you know those Crystal Light packets I love so much? Yeah, they mask the taste of voka something fierce. G & I are having a trans-continental boozefest. Consider it drunk IM-ing, since come half a bottle of vodka, I will no longer be able to operate my phone.

Before I get too far gone and forget, -supermom3604: Happy Birthday!

I have decided that instead of vegging out and watching CSI all weekend (oh ha, I'm doing that anyways) I am going to listen to music on my shitty little radio. And since I've got the house all by my lonesome this weekend... It's going to be loud. We're starting with Flogging Molly. FM, by the way, is coming to the Warfield in March. Anyone up for drunken Irish punk? Everyone that's been seeing them on the east coast has said that the concerts are awesome in person. And seeing as how this IS the year of the concerts...

D'you ever notice how you listen to a certain kind of music for weeks and months and it feels like you've OD'ed on it? Well, when I go through my CDs looking for a certain one, I am reminded of my past ODs. There was the Opera OD, the country OD (oh, not really proud of that one), the musicals OD... and the new age OD. All that's left of that is an Enya CD, some Tibetan chants, and Ravi Shankar. The ex used to root through my collection and call it the Lilith Faire collection. I'm not sure whether or not I should have hit him for that. I just took all the Tori Amos CDs when I left. Ha! I had a point to all this. Really. I just... don't know what it was.

Matty is doing just fine, by the way (see previous entry on how NOT to dry balloons). He's way embarassed, though.

Edit: The time is now... 9:24. I am now officially drunk. I apparently forgot how to work the door because I smacked into it thinking that it was already opened. And I'm speaking in Spanish to this guy online. Only I think I just told him that my banana is almost going to pass out. He's a sports nut and is ripping me a new one for damaging my body like this. Wanker. Anyways, I told him that no, I would not be inviting him over. Why, he asks. Because you're not the guy from CSI. Duh. Stupid boy. ANYWAYS. What was I saying? I forget. But you should know that I'm listening to Chumbawumba and you can laugh all you want, but I love this CD. I forgot that I had it and now I am loving it again.

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Breaking Up - July 20, 2006
Chugga Chugga Woo Woo - June 14, 2006
Dammit.Janet. - May 31, 2006
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Tra-la tra-la - May 07, 2006

mind the gap