mind the gap

Pulling into the station

March 05, 2004

I'm half tempted to go to Fresh Choice today just to get some good soup. With some sourdough. And a little garden salad with a side of pasta salad. And soft serve. With jimmies.

Now I'm making me super hungry. Damn. And lunch is still...nearly 3 hours away.

I woke up coughing a lung out this morning, which triggered a headache. The dogs are back at work and between them and the new plant life going on outside, my allergies are through the roof. So, I've decided to hibernate all weekend. I'm taking massive quantities of all cold and flu remedies possible. So if you attempt to talk to me and I talk back in phrases like "the peach walked to the coffee car five hours tomorrow"... I'm on drugs. I know not what I do.

My mom wants me to go with her and Holly to Oregon next weekend. They're leaving after Bunco on Friday night, and coming up 101 - right by me. Of course, they wouldn't be getting to my exit until about midnight. Then drive all day to Oregon Saturday - up 101, through the redwoods and such. Go to Aunt Audre's 80th birthday party. Drive all the way home on Sunday. It's a freakin' long ass drive from here to there and back. I'm probably not going to go. I love Aunt Audre, but... Does that make me a bad grand-niece?

And now, for the totally off topic Survivor babble. Did you watch last night? And did you do a happy dance when Susan walked? Because I did. You know, it sucks that Richard did his naked dance on her and all, but come on, she was egging him on. Don't put out the chocolate if you don't want to attract the PMSing women, you know? But man, what an eventful season. Not one, but two people have walked off. And under such clouds of drama, too.

Did anyone see the movie "Powder"? Remember how white that guy was? That's me. I'm going to walk into a tanning salon, say "Hi, I'm Powder Girl, and I want to be colorful. Make it so." Of course, I need instant gratification, so this may be a problem. We'll see.

I have no point to anything I'm saying today. I'm just going to shut up now.

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Breaking Up - July 20, 2006
Chugga Chugga Woo Woo - June 14, 2006
Dammit.Janet. - May 31, 2006
Zee Tee-Vee - May 25, 2006
Tra-la tra-la - May 07, 2006

mind the gap