mind the gap

Pulling into the station

August 15, 2005

*Hums along with Gershwin*
Things are looking up
It's a great little world we live in
Oh I'm happy as a pup
Since love looked up at me

So every once in a while, I meditate myself to sleep. Last night was one of those nights. But last night was the first time I've ever felt myself get weighted, like I was going to slip down through the bed. It was... bizarre. I tried to lift my fingers and they felt as if they weighed ten pounds each. It probably sounds silly to you all, but this is a good thing, a big step. I haven't been able to clear my mind and successfully meditate in a long, long time. I'm not sure what this means, but I'm going with the "it's a good thing" mentality.

I'll be house & dog-sitting for most of next month while my Boss is out of the country. That money should get me back into school. Or at least pay for the outstanding tuition bill... I think I'll be ready to leap back in after the holidays. I would like to get math out of the way, but on the other hand, I want to take another eye-opening class. I wish that they would let Marguerite teach a second level mythology class - that's what I'd really like to take. But maybe I can take one of the religion/philosophy classes... and maybe this time my professor won't have a stroke three weeks into the class. *sigh*

This summer, my roomates have gone away for long periods of time and I've been alone in the house quite a bit. While it's nice to turn up the radio while I'm in the shower and not have to close my bedroom door, I have come to realize that I do not like being alone like this. Its not that I'm afraid of being alone in the house (although watching horror movies is not a good idea when you're home alone with the rat and no-one else). I just get so used to the everyday noises of other people. It's strange to wake up in the morning and not smell B's coffee or hear S getting ready for school. So, should the opprotunity arise to have my own place with no roomates... I don't think I'd take it. Does this mean I'm a people person after all? Oh God, it's my worst nightmare come true... (Kidding!)

Oh and Jenn did get the Flogging Molly tickets yesterday. *happy dance* Twice in one year. That's pretty rad. I don't know if the Boy is going to be able to go (it's a month away and standing room - don't think that'll work so well on a broken leg). Anyone want to go with us? It's on a Tuesday night, though. I'll be ordering extra espresso shots in my coffee the next morning.

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Breaking Up - July 20, 2006
Chugga Chugga Woo Woo - June 14, 2006
Dammit.Janet. - May 31, 2006
Zee Tee-Vee - May 25, 2006
Tra-la tra-la - May 07, 2006

mind the gap