mind the gap

Pulling into the station

November 13, 2003

As you may or may not know, I have almost no artistic abilities whatsoever. My mom blames my dad for that one. See, her side of the family... Well, sometimes, you could frame our Pictionary scraps and sell them off. Me? I am the Queen of Stick People.

Anyways, I got an e-mail from my uncle (by way of Mom since he lost his address book in the "Great Crash") with a link to their new project at work. My aunt and uncle work for a fiberoptic company in Oregon that does these really cool signs and stuff. Earlier this year, they worked on a bear for the city of Grants Pass.

Here's my Aunt checking out the guts of the bear. (She drills the holes in just the right places, bundles and places the fiberoptics, and makes sure the color wheel is set right. No small task. Just ask her about her 96 hours of overtime last pay period.)

And this is Celeste E. Bear, the finished product. (The colors all change and stuff on her - it's really cool.)

So that's a before and after of one of their projects. They're just wrapping up (heh, pardon the pun) the Holiday Greeting Card project now. These greeting cards are, oh, a zillion (maybe 10?) feet high, mind you. They took a longass time to do, too.

Click here and roll over each of the images to see their before and after pictures. (The before looks like a cartoon, but the after is the fiberoptic result.) And if you get a chance, swing through Grants Pass to check them out because not only are they animated...

They play obnoxious Christmas caroles.

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In other news... The truck is getting fixed. Hooray! It should be done for pick-up tomorrow morning. I'm driving Boyfriend to school tonight. Tried to convince him to just drop me off at home and take my car, but he likes the idea of CARPOOL! better than having freedom of transportation. Whatever. (Men.)

I got to go up and look at our *new* office space. It's a tidge smaller than this one (okay, a lot smaller), but it's still nice. And the bathrooms are closer. We'll see how much we like it when we're all in there and closer together.

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mind the gap