mind the gap

Pulling into the station

September 19, 2003

So I had this dream last night, kinda odd. I told G about it and she asked if I had been looking at a yearbook again. Uh, no, actually. But remember that for later.

Anyways, here's what I remember - and it's not much. I'm in a diner, a la Denny's or Perkos. Theres a group of us, probably about 15. The waiter sticks us in the back corner in this booth that from above looks like a candy cane. (Go with me on this, it was a dream, okay?) For some reason, everyone got in on the short end and scooted around to the other end and filled up the booth. I was the last one to sit down. I look to my left and see David Diaz, and next to him is Norman Acaba. (Two guys I went to school with. David was an ego maniac and Norman was ok.) No one orders any food. No drinks. We're just sitting there. Then there are a bunch of books on the table. Don't know where they came from, but they're there. David and I flip one open and it's a yearbook. (See, told you to remember the yearbook comment.) Now, before I move on, let me explain something to you about me and my schoolmates. If we ran into each other on the street, I'd know them, but they'd never know me. I just wasn't OUT there, popular, famous, whatever. Back to the dream... We're flipping the pages and it's an Alumni yearbook. And I kid you not, Barbara Bush is an "alumni" according to this. Yeah, it's weird. I'm reading through a page and David hugs me. WTF? Don't touch me, man, just back off. But I don't push him off because he's warm and the diner is freezing. He thinks this is a go ahead, I guess, because he starts in with the kissy crap. And that's when I woke up.

So, it could have been caused by a number of things. First and most likely is the drugs I took last night to kill my headache. Mixed with the lavendar compress - those usually make me, como se dice?... creative. Yeah. Or, in a psychic frame of mind, something happened to those two and that's why I'm basically cuddling with one of the ego-maniacs of our class. Ugh. But what's with Norman? He wasn't a dick to me at all. An innocent bystander? I can't even remember if those two were buddy-buddy. Oh well.

A and I have decided to ditch our current guys and marry the carpenters from Trading Spaces and While You Were Out. I get Andrew and she gets Ty.

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mind the gap