mind the gap

Pulling into the station

July 17, 2003

Today's Weight: I am DOWN three pounds since Monday. **Bows** Thank you, thank you. I'm going to set my goal for down a total of 10 by the end of the month. I'd like to drop more than that, but let's be brutally honest -- not gonna happen.

Today's Food: Nothing... yet. I am betting that Diet Coke is in my lunch future and some peanuts.

Speaking of food... Boyfriend and Roomie went to Taco Bell last night to grab grub. They brought me back...a...Grilled...Stuffed...Chicken...Caeser... OH...My...God... Talk about a mini-orgasm with every bite. I mean, if I was given the choice between this and chocolate, I would have a REALLY hard decision to make. It's that freakin' good. Even without the tortilla, it's good. Really! It's the dressing. It's just right. I think I might go get one and eat the insides for lunch (no tortilla -- waaaay too many carbs). The thought of peanuts for lunch is highly depressing.

On the upside of the week - this may be TMI for some people - this has been the best, er... girly time of the month I've ever had. I might even be done. **Happy dance** No cramps, not much on the bitch-o-meter, and light as can be. I wasn't even sure IF it had started, that's how light.

Sorry, that's again too much information, isn't it? I'm just so happy about it, I had to share.

I just saw a banner on D*Land... Tears of laughter... Everytime you don't read a Diaryland diary, God kills a kitten. Please think of the kittens. So cruel, yet so freakin' funny. It's got this little kitten running from these monster things.

Fifteen days til vacation. (Thank you, little man inside my computer who keeps tabs for me.) Two weeks. Hm. I gotta start packing soon...

Boyfriend is home sick today. He's not feelin' so hot. Well, that's a lie - he is feeling hot, feverish. And pukey. Sounds like a case of Dehydration, actually. I keep telling him to drink water, water, and more water. I don't care how much he has to pee later, he needs the water.

I am dying for some sugar. I need a Pixi-Stick. I need crack, dammit! I'm going through withdrawl here, people!

Hey, the other night, I got really bored and ventured into the land of Surveys. I know, I know, I swore I'd lay off those things, but dammit, they're so addicting. Anyways, since I'm a special Gold Memeber (heehee), I made another one. You need to see it, and hell, take it. Why? Because you love me. Don't lie, you know you do. (Okay, I'm a little too hyper, can you tell?) Anyways, this is my special Name Game Survey.

Oh oh oh! I'm addicted to another reality show. Big Brother 4: the EX Factor. Three times a week?! Right on! Sex... fights... drama... alliances... What more could a girl ask for? So, last night was the first elimination/eviction/whatever you call it. No, I wasn't sad to see Amanda go. I wasn't exactly heart broken when her ex, Scott got removed from the house by production staff either. Too bad she was the tramp who got her groove-thang on with that guy right before she got shown the door. Ha ha. And I liked that the guy who was on the chopping block with her, Jee, is now the Head of Household.

Well, my work has arrived. First up, sorting the invoices because no, they can't POSSIBLY keep them grouped by date. No, they have to mix them up. Grr.

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Breaking Up - July 20, 2006
Chugga Chugga Woo Woo - June 14, 2006
Dammit.Janet. - May 31, 2006
Zee Tee-Vee - May 25, 2006
Tra-la tra-la - May 07, 2006

mind the gap