mind the gap

Pulling into the station

December 05, 2003

Who had the brilliant idea to get me drunk last night? Okay, yeah, I should have passed on the drink... But it sounded so good, you know? Anyways, halfway through the drink, I was having some serious issues. When I bent over to get my phone out of my purse, I kept going forward and had it not been for the door partially open in front of me, I would have fell on my face. God, I am so freakin' retarded sometimes. I hadn't had dinner yet, so the booze was sucked up into my blood stream instantly. If I remember right, the blonde girl got voted off Survivor last night.

I took my shower and passed out by 10. I think I woke up at some point because it was so bloody hot under the covers. I had the regular blanket on plus the down one, so I was boiling. I think I remember telling Boyfriend that my hair was wet because I took a shower, not because I was sweating so much. Or that could have been a dream.

But, no matter how hard I try to deny it, I'm getting sick. Dammit. On the weekend, too. My throat has been getting that thick, tender feeling all week and it's really bad today. I'm tempted to go chug a thing of OJ to make it feel better. (Hey, now, no laughing. The acid makes it burn a little, but the Vitamin C helps a lot.) Or I should go get a V8 Splash. **ahem** Gracie... Our office sounds so healthy right now. I'm coughing and clearing my throat, Boss is hacking out his left lung, and Amy Accountant is coughing too. Boyfriend is over in his cube with a gas mask on, giving us all the evil eye. Lucky bastard, he's not sick.

Amy Accountant burned me a copy of her Sarah McLaughlin CD (the new one).... woohoo!! Ssh, don't go telling the music industry or anything. Lord knows I've forked over enough money to those people already, I can get one freakin' burn. And it was from her CD - that she paid for in a store, thank you - not off Napster or something like that. So there.

I had a dream last night that my cousin sent me digital video of Izzy walking in the snow at their house. And this didn't strike me as odd at all. (She's only 5 months old. She can't even sit up by herself very well, let alone walk. In snow.) But I'm happy to report that she was pinch-the-cheeks adorable. Of course.

Well, the girls are excited over the upcoming Christmas Coup. Holly told them to make room for me in the van and they are under penalty of death to not say a word to anyone about me going to Oregon. Christ. It's like we're smuggling me across the border with diamonds up my ass, you know? So far, only mom, Holly, the girls, and Boyfriend know that I'm going to magically show up on Christmas Day with Holly. ((Did I explain the Oregon thing yet? No? Okay, my mom's family is all going up to Oregon to her brother's house for a white Christmas. We hope. Everyone is going, but I have to work and all. Well, I talked to Bossman and he says, what the hell, we'll just close up on the 26th. Oh-ho, I say, this means a four day weekend. I call mom and she begs Holly, who says sure, no problem, ride with us, we're leaving Christmas afternoon. Then we all say, but lets not tell anyone! Ooooh secret! I'm sending all my presents for everyone up with mom when she goes earlier in the week. I'll call up there Christmas morning and do the "wish I could be there, too, blah blah" call. Grandma's either going to cry or smack me for doing this. It'll be great!))

But anyways. I've got to finish up my Christmas shopping and present assembling and get them to mom next weekend. I have a dozen Cookie-in-a-jar...jars to put together and kids' presents to buy. Well, really, I think the kids' are just about done. I'm going to buy Izzy's stuff this afternoon so I can ship it out next week. She's lucky to be the first kid on that side of the family. Gonna get so spoiled!

We're super busy at work today. It's taken me 4 hours to get this much typed out. No lie. Maybe we'll make that bonus after all...

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Breaking Up - July 20, 2006
Chugga Chugga Woo Woo - June 14, 2006
Dammit.Janet. - May 31, 2006
Zee Tee-Vee - May 25, 2006
Tra-la tra-la - May 07, 2006

mind the gap