mind the gap

Pulling into the station

November 18, 2003

Okay, have you seen that MTV show "Rich Girls" yet? If not, grab your puke-pan and tune in. They should rename it "Rich Bitches." These girls make me sick, really, they do. Which is why I can't wait for the FOX show with Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie to come out. At least those two will be doing non-rich bitch stuff. But to see Paris Hilton arm deep in cow shit...

I once read this article in Vanity Fair (yes, I read VF like it was a freakin' society bible, okay?) about these New York rich kids. It made me so angry that I actaully wrote a huge letter to VF - and I sent it. Oh God. Anyways, it was all about these teenage kids who got things handed to them on a gold and diamond platter. They were going to prom and the girls were bitchin' about how they had to buy Prada shoes because Gucci didn't send them the free stilettos... blah blah, things like that. Oh darn, kids. The rest of the world goes to PayLess Shoes or Sears, but you get free dresses. Cry me a river. It made me sick reading how these kids didn't seem to know the value of the money that they so freely spent on silly things - $4000 jeans? $500 barettes? $60 for a salad? Jesus-Mary-and-Joseph. These people have never even set foot in Wal*Mart, have they?

I'd like to take those little rich girls and give them $100 and tell them to restock a wardrobe. Most of us normal folk would head to the likes of Target, Wal*Mart, even K*Mart and Mervyns. I'll bet those girls would run to the mall and come back with a single T-shirt.

That's my gripe for today.

Now, on to the guilty pleasure confessional:

First off, I am ashamed to say that I kind of like (eep) J-Ho's "Jenny From The Block." I know. I feel awful. Also, I don't care what y'all say, that Kid Rock and Sheryl Crow "Picture" song? I LIKE IT. HA! And I sing with it on the radio. Really loud. Double ha! And I think it suits Kid Rock to sing that style (over his "rap" crap anyways). Speaking of Kid Rock... While he embodies all that I cannot stand about my white-trash background -- he's growing on me. And that scares me.

Hey, is Maroon 5 considered a Boy Band? Because me and "Harder to Breathe" get along really well. If they're a "Boy Band," I'm going to cry.

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mind the gap