mind the gap

Pulling into the station

December 09, 2003

I remembered to bring my soup in today. Yay! Of course, I am still hungry because the broth is like water and the noodles are nasty and it's just all around ew. (Nile Spice brand. Got it from Olivers. Hoity-toity healthy junk. Blah. Gimme my Nissan Cup-o-Noodles.) But, my poor ass is being stubborn and refuses to break down and get a sandwich from the deli.

Or maybe my poor ass just doesn't want to walk in the rain. It could go either way.

Yesterday and today have been horribly busy at work. The phones haven't stopped ringing since we opened up and the sites are both hoppin', too. I mean, that's great, because our order volume is way up over last year and that's a good thing. The higher the volume, the better that bonus will be. I haven't even really had time to be in pain (throat still hurts like a mo-fo), so that's good, too. (And yes, G, I did go get some V8 Splash last night. Haven't had time to drink it and now it's warm. Ew. I got the last Tropical Blend and a Fruit Medley. Mmm, you favorite.)

Anyways, I suppose that's my excuse for not updating in a while. Busy busy busy.

I watched the four-part series on TLC "Ancient Egyptians." Duuuuude! Last night, the final two... I usually don't go for DVDs of TV shows, you know, but I could so own these. If Discovery puts them on DVD of course. (Which they'd better!) The ones that were aired on Sunday were good, but the ones last night were juicy! I liked all four, don't get me wrong, if you get me all four on DVD, I'll wear the thing out. But they sure as hell beat watching football.

Did I ever mention how much I hate football? I think the hate started way back when I was just a bebe waiting to be born. Or rather, trying to be born. See, my mom went into labor but the Raider game was still on. My dad said we had to wait until the game was over before we could go to the hospital. So right from the get-go, football and me don't get along so well. We went to Europe one year... and saw the Raiders play in Barcelona. My dad has been to England, Spain, Mexico, and Japan to see the damn team play. Ja-freakin'-pan. Yeah. That and I swear to God, he lived in LA when the team was sent down there for a while. Frequent flier miles, we had tons. We've named his truck the Raidermobile since it's black and is adorned with decals and seat covers and dash covers and license plate frames and antenna balls and... etc etc etc... All with the freakin' Raider emblem. Don't even get me started on his house. So, long story short, I hate football.

Okay, it also makes no sense to me. That's a good reason, too, right?

Guess what? It's raining again. And it's freakin' cold, too. Well, compared to some places, it's warm. But it was 60 yesterday and it's 49 right now... "Feels like 45" according to the Weather Channel. And it's windy.

Oh oh oh, before I forget to gross you out...! Have you ever watched that show "Mythbusters?" I think it's on Discovery... Anyways. Last night, they were trying to bust the one about the guy who buys a car for cheap, but it smells awful inside, turns out someone had died in there. They go out, buy an 87 Corvette and shove two recently deceased pigs in there and let them sit for two months. Then they try to clean that poor car and get rid of the smell. And try to sell it. Turns out, dead smell stays, no matter what goo or enzyme stuff you use. They did sell the car for $2000 to a guy who wanted it for parts. Totally ew. I'm never eating pork again.

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mind the gap