mind the gap

Pulling into the station

August 19, 2004

It's a nice 76 degrees outside, slight breeze. Just enough to heat the inside of your car up to a nice and toasty 2 million degrees. So you make a mad dash from your little hot-box-from-hell to the office, where it's arctic and glorious.

Or at least it should be.

On this day, the AC decides to quit blowing cold air and is now blowing... plain air. Not warm, but most certainly not cold. When it's cooler outside than it is in your office, you have a problem. The guy who "fixes" stuff (in reality, he pokes around, says a few hrmms and then calls the real repair guy) came up and pulled out the filter and said, "seems to be on the fritz." No shit, Sherlock. Boss wants to know how long it'll take to fix. I'm secretly hoping he'll say something like "not til Monday" so we can have tomorrow off. (It's getting effin' hot in here. I mean, the thermostat said 82 when I last checked. Not primo office temperature.) But no, he mumbles something about a new filter and something else and we should be good to go for tomorrow. Damn. So much for a long weekend.

The rental office also told Boss that they're giving serious thought to not allowing dogs in the buildings anymore. Could it be?? Imagine, I'd be able to wear real work clothes again! No more schleppy shirts and jeans! We could finally match everyone else in this complex! My God, what a novel concept. But as though he's reading my thoughts, Boss pipes up and says he's offered to pay them more per month and offered us up to be on poop duty twice a month. WTF? I don't pick up dog poop for a reason. Two actually. First being I don't own a dog. And secondly, neither of the dogs here do doo-doo when I take them out. They water trees tons, but never once in two and a half years has either dog dropped business for me. Why the eff should I clean up poop? Ugh.

And so ends my dog doo rant. I'm going to go throw myself over the fan and pray for a rainstorm or a power outage or something.

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Breaking Up - July 20, 2006
Chugga Chugga Woo Woo - June 14, 2006
Dammit.Janet. - May 31, 2006
Zee Tee-Vee - May 25, 2006
Tra-la tra-la - May 07, 2006

mind the gap