mind the gap

Pulling into the station

June 10, 2004

I think I forgot to update yesterday. Sorry.

Um let's see... I got an e-mail from the Boy. He'd downed lots of coffee on Monday and was up til all hours on a caffine buzz. Oops. But he did say that he had fun on Sunday ... and Monday. So that's good. Right?

I have the house all to myself next week. Well, me and the dog. The roomates are heading out on a vacation to Yosemite. Lucky them! Not that I'm home all that often anyways - I'll have to get home at semi-decent hours to let Jessie in (the dog) for the night, though. No out til 4 partyin' for me.

Danielle and I went to Chili's last night. I love Chili's. I also love my new hair. My roots needed a touch-up, so I had bought some dye last week. They didn't have the same color at Target, so I bought the closest match. And it turns out that it's just a tidge darker than what I'd done before. Now I'm more of a black cherry than plum. Which is cool, too. I didn't bring my camera, so alas, no pictures yet. If I don't go do something tonight, I think I'm going to play around with the curling iron. Which is a pointless task because my hair does NOT hold curl. AT ALL. Danielle can vouch for that. I curled the front on Sunday - I finished like, five minutes before she got to my house. By the time she got there, they were dead. *Scream*

No boss today. He's out all day. Freedom! I almost wore my PJs to work. Almost. At the last minute I decided that I wanted to wear my new sneakers and those just look lame with sweats. So jeans it was.

And Em is by now sitting on a beach in Jamaica sippin' on some rum drink or another. Not fair.

Everyone, send your vibes to the Boy. I have a craving...

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Breaking Up - July 20, 2006
Chugga Chugga Woo Woo - June 14, 2006
Dammit.Janet. - May 31, 2006
Zee Tee-Vee - May 25, 2006
Tra-la tra-la - May 07, 2006

mind the gap