mind the gap

Pulling into the station

September 07, 2004

I'm rich, beeyatch.

Our paychecks were late this time. Laaaaaaate. Like, the boss said that it was supposed to post to our accounts on FRIDAY and I didn't get a deposit posted until this morning. Do your math, folks. Does Tuesday look like Friday to you? Thankfully, due to the holiday, I don't think I bounced too much stuff. But I guarantee you that Jimbo will be shellin' out the dough for any overdraft fees. If you have payroll through ADP, people, I highly advise changing to another company. Preferably one that can read a calendar.

They're downstairs jerking off and fixing the AC units right now. Or so they claim. I've seen two guys come into our office to fiddle with the thermostat - one was a toothless old fart and one was a hommina-hommina hottie. And of course I selected today to *not* wear a boobie shirt. No, no, I had to go with the lime green t-shirt instead. Damn, I suck.

Let's see, I took my books with me to mom's this weekend to do some studying. How many times did I have to clear off the table to spread the books out? That's right, none. Not once did I even open the backpack. It sat at the foot of my bed for four days. People, a spider spun a web over one of the straps, okay? I did, however, get Lacey to watch "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back" on Saturday. She wanted to watch "Mallrats," too, but her mom had to go and show up. Hana didn't get it. She came in and plopped on the couch while we were watching the ending and asks "why is he calling her boo-boo kitty fuck?" I guess she's never seen it, either.

Oooh. I need to get a Hawaiian shirt. Don't let me forget. What? It's for my mom's party, so don't even give me that look. You want to laugh? Fine. But I'm getting lei'ed tonight and you're not. So there. (Lei'ed. Lei. I'm going to Party America and buying a buttload of luau crapola. Including leis. Get it?)

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Breaking Up - July 20, 2006
Chugga Chugga Woo Woo - June 14, 2006
Dammit.Janet. - May 31, 2006
Zee Tee-Vee - May 25, 2006
Tra-la tra-la - May 07, 2006

mind the gap