mind the gap

Pulling into the station

February 02, 2004

Way to go, Patriots! Good game yesterday. Even I, the one who loathes football, was into the game. I mean, hello, there was a fight six seconds into the game! The hockey fan in me was crying out "Blood on the ice!" while the refs were breaking it up. But it was the halftime show... Raise your hand if you watched it! Raise your hand if you wondered why they had so many "stars" singing their old hits. Raise your hand if you were singing along to "Rythem Nation"... Admit it, you know all the words still. And finally raise your hand if you saw Janet's boob and sad "oh shit" when they cut away really fast.

Can you say FCC fines?

In other news, the new season of Survivor kicked off last night. Sadly, my Rupert was not on the winning team. But he was not voted off the island. *Whew*

And finally, the biggest story on the news this morning... It's raining. I know. Oh my God. Like it's never rained here before. Although, I must admit, it is raining pretty darn hard. And it sounds ten times louder in this office because we're closer to the celing (the other office had huge vaulted celings) and the roof is that wavy tin stuff. So you're practically shouting into the phones to be heard over the rain and people are like, are you okay? I think I see my car down there in the parking lot, but I'm not sure. My car is the red one, so it should be easy to see. Ha! Sometimes I can't see the tree outside my window - that's how hard it's raining today.

Ha ha ha! Someone just set off someone else's car alarm. Now that guy has to come running out in the rain to turn it off. Sucks to be him right now. (Well, that's what you get for driving a Lexus SUV, sir.) (I'm just jealous.)

How am I today? *waggles hand* Asi, asi. Could be better. I kind of flipped out last night and sobbed the whole way home from the game. (Well, the party. I wasn't actually in Houston or at the game. I don't have $2K to blow on a ticket.) But I watched me some Survivor and the last twenty minutes of Independence Day (woooooo!!) - both of which distracted me pretty well.

I need to get a foam pad for my bed. The joint that runs up the middle of my bed is getting annoying. It's a fraction of a centimeter higher than the other slats on the bed, but it's enough to be a royal pain at 2 in the morning. And I need a bigger blanket. I love my down throw, don't get me wrong, and it has served me quite well. But this morning (and over the weekend, too) I was jonesin' for a bigger blanket that I could bundle up in. Maybe after payday.

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Breaking Up - July 20, 2006
Chugga Chugga Woo Woo - June 14, 2006
Dammit.Janet. - May 31, 2006
Zee Tee-Vee - May 25, 2006
Tra-la tra-la - May 07, 2006

mind the gap