mind the gap

Pulling into the station

February 10, 2005

Why am I such a gimp when it comes to conversing with a certain feller up there at the coffee shop? WHY. It's been three years, my friends, and all I can spit out is my order and the occational "Hi, how's it going?" Apparently I go into shy-girl mode when I walk through the door. Yes, I do! Because the entire way up the block, I've got nads made of solid brass, but as soon as I'm through the door... This should probably be a warning or something, right? Yeah, well, we all know how good I am at reading those warning signs.

Okay, you know how you get lightHEADED? I feel that way right now, but it's my body, not my head. It's so... weird. I can feel my spine and my head, but the rest of me... It's like my clothes are stuffed with cotton or something. I got up to throw my coffee cup (it's paper) in la basura and I nearly fell over. I swear, I didn't take anything and I didn't ask for an extra shot in my coffee, either. Weird.

Hopefully you can see the animation on that. Anyways, G made that for me this week for Live Journal. She's only feeding my new addiction, you know. But c'mon... Roller Coasters AND CSI? To quote the skanky* Paris Hilt0n... Hot. But I told you that to tell you this: I need to ride a roller coaster like it's nobody's business. I'm going through withdrawls.

* The one and only time I have ever written a letter to the editor was after reading an article in Vanity Fair about Paris & Nicky, partying and being obnoxious teenagers. It make me sad for rich people. Oh and I also had to go vomit because they just made me sick.

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Breaking Up - July 20, 2006
Chugga Chugga Woo Woo - June 14, 2006
Dammit.Janet. - May 31, 2006
Zee Tee-Vee - May 25, 2006
Tra-la tra-la - May 07, 2006

mind the gap