mind the gap

Pulling into the station

February 09, 2004

Just FYI - I just barely missed the flu. I caught a teeny bit of it. I mean, I wouldn't even call it the flu. It was more of a... well, sore throat / headache / coughing bout. Nothing five Protrips and 14 hours of sleep can't fix. I am feeling loads better. Although I did sleep through art on Saturday. Whoops. I shouldn't have been painting anyways, right? I was drugged!

I am getting season one of "Sex and the City" from NetFlix this week. I will finally see what all the fuss is about.

For those of you stuck in cold, dreary climates right now, please skip to the next paragraph to avoid depressing yourself. *waits* It's abso-freakin'-lutely beautiful out right now. Sunny, no clouds, slight breeze, and 66. I've got sun coming in from the window here, keeping me toasty warm. I drove to lunch with the window down and it was so nice, I ate in my car with the windows down. (Instead of coming back inside.) I'd give anything to go home for the day and just run around outside for hours. Of course, tomorrow, this will all be gone. But it's nice to have a slight glimpse of spring, you know?

Right so now that I've given out the secret password... No, I'm kidding.

Bess and Shawna went to see the Lion King in San Francisco yesterday. I have to wait until May. Which, at this rate, will be next week. So if we can just skip Valentine's Day this year, that would be great, thanks!

I'm thinking about going over to el SuperCuts after work and getting a trim. My hair is very uneven. I was bored yesterday (I should have been reading more Hindu myths...) and was staring into the mirror when I realized that yes, yes the layers on my head are so not even. The top layer ends about an inch higher on my left side than on my right.

I'm wearing my ring (on my right hand now, not on the left) and you know what? I know it's clean because I haven't worn it very much since I got it back, but it just looks... dull. Do you think it's possible that my ring knows? I mean, could it's spakley, shiney disposition be gone now that we're not together?

The things I ponder while staring out the window... And while tanning my right arm.

1 comments so far

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Breaking Up - July 20, 2006
Chugga Chugga Woo Woo - June 14, 2006
Dammit.Janet. - May 31, 2006
Zee Tee-Vee - May 25, 2006
Tra-la tra-la - May 07, 2006

mind the gap