mind the gap

Pulling into the station

May 21, 2004

So, I went to bed on Wednesday night with a stabbing headache that grew into a wonderful migrane. Hooray. I stayed home from work yesterday and slept for most of the day. (Exciting as it was, I just couldn't stay awake to find out if J-Dawg was the daddy of Laquida's baby or if she was going to have yet another man tested.) But I'm not sleeping very well, because I heard my phone go "beep-beep" and kept answering the calls. (I have it go "beep-beep" at night instead of having the Pixies scare the crap out of me at two in the morning.) One of the calls happened to be my mom. Jet Blue dropped their prices for our fly time! FINALLY. So she booked hers and called me back with the flight numbers and her seat assignments. Boss had already left work by then, so I had to wait until this morning to book mine. The longer I waited, the worse my chances would be of getting the seat next to mom's.

Or so we thought.

I booked this morning and got the seat next to her on both flights. Yesssss! She's in the window seat and I'm in the middle.

And then she called me later last night and told me that she found us a hotel room on Manhattan for $129 a night (which is good, for a name you know and trust). So now we have the flights and someplace to stay. Now all we need is food. I'm thinking... Granola bars and Handi Snacks all the way.

I just got notification that the last season of Sex and the City is shipping out today for me from Netflix. Monday can't come soon enough! (I just mailed back the other three DVDs I had out yesterday - damn, that was FAST!)

1 comments so far

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Breaking Up - July 20, 2006
Chugga Chugga Woo Woo - June 14, 2006
Dammit.Janet. - May 31, 2006
Zee Tee-Vee - May 25, 2006
Tra-la tra-la - May 07, 2006

mind the gap