mind the gap

Pulling into the station

October 26, 2004

This is what was waiting for me in my e-mail this morning: She's getting so big... Now I really want to go to DC for Thanksgiving. (That's my Izzy at the pumpkin patch.) I'm just so happy that I wasn't going south-bound at all this morning. Traffic for commuters heading south sucked donkey balls. I got up at 5:30 and was at work by about 7:15 (with a stop to Starbucks once I hit Petaluma, of course).

My mom is feeling a little bit better now and they're narrowing the possibilities (finally) of what she might have. We were in line in the Oncology department waiting room (that's where she was having yet another test done - in oncology, not in the lab, strange, huh?) and this guy was bitching at the nurse checking people in about Kaiser being out of flu shots. Dude. Have you not been watching the news? Everyone is out. Suck it up and wait like the million other people. She was trying to explain to him that yes, they would be getting more tomorrow (which would be today) but that they didn't know how much. So sure, he could call or come in, but it is first come first served - there are no promises that he will for sure get a flu shot. He just couldn't understand that. (Whether it was the whole FCFS concept or the language that he didn't understand, I don't know. I'm not racist or anything like that, but cripes, learn some English man.) But anyways. They ran the test on mom and she said that the doctor hrmm'ed and haaah'ed and said that he wants to do yet another test - this time with berum and an X-ray. Can I just say that berum effing sucks? That stuff is nasty.

On Friday, Jenn, Russ and I went to SF to the Gyro's "haunted house". (It's not called Gyro's anymore, though. I forget what it's called.) People in the Bay Area, don't waste your money. Seriously, it blew. There were two parts - Clowns from Hell and Pirates. Pirates was just lame. No one even tried to jump out and scare us. The clown one was better than Pirates only because we had these two (pardon the expression) homies in our little group and they were stoned. They screamed at the exit signs. We were laughing at them more than anything else. So the whole thing lasted 20 minutes. We went back to the car and decided to go see a movie. We caught the last showing of (dum dum dummmm) "The Grudge." Oh man, so much better than the "haunted house."

On Saturday, I got up and went to gymnastics with Mikaylah. Watching 3 and 4 year olds do "gymnastics" is hillarious. At one point, the kiddies were told to do some tumbling and Mikaylah decided to go for the backwards summersault. All we could see from the bleachers were her legs up in the air, kicking and trying to get over. Then she tried the balance beam (not a high-up one, this one was just the beam itself sitting on the floor). She could do two steps, then fall off. And after that, it was time to jump off the springboard and into the foam pit. Of course, when you love jumping off things, this is the best... EVER. Brat didn't want to stop taking flying leaps off the board. (I wish I could have taken pictures of this, but they're redoing the gym so all the equipment is in the way. You wouldn't have been able to see the 3 and 4 year olds through all the beams and rings and bars...)

But I'm back at work today and am already caught up with the e-mails and crap. My coffee is kinda cold but I only have two gulps left.

P.S. I didn't close my door enough on Monday morning and I woke up with the dog sleeping on my legs. He later fell asleep on me in the recliner and proceeded to snore AND drool on my leg. Freakin' Cowboy.

P.P.S. Since I wasn't here yesterday, here's your warning:

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Breaking Up - July 20, 2006
Chugga Chugga Woo Woo - June 14, 2006
Dammit.Janet. - May 31, 2006
Zee Tee-Vee - May 25, 2006
Tra-la tra-la - May 07, 2006

mind the gap