mind the gap

Pulling into the station

June 16, 2004



Name: Jessamine

Birth date: Oct. 1

Birthplace: Hayward, CA

Current Location: Sonoma County (CA)

Eye Color: Blueish Gray

Hair Color: Black Cherry

Height: 5'8"

Righty or Lefty: Righty

Zodiac Sign: Libra


Your heritage: English, mostly

The shoes you wore today: Black Cons... Well, they're fake Cons.

Your weakness: Chocolate

Your fears: Living without love.

Your perfect pizza: Double cheese, black olives and pepperoni with a side of ranch to dip the crust in.

Goal you'd like to achieve: Climb Mt Kilamanjaro


Your most overused phrase on AIM: OMG! and LOL

Your first waking thoughts: F*bomb.

Your best physical feature: The girls.

Your most missed memory: Hanging around backstage after a show, just laying on the ground with the rest of the crew, shootin' the shit.


Pepsi or Coke: Diet Coke, regular Pepsi

McDonald's or Burger King: BK. but I prefer Taco Bell.

Single or group dates: Single

Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Blech, neither.

Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate

Cappuccino or coffee: Mocha, no whipped cream, quad shot.


Smoke: Only in dire, stressful emergencies. Like, once or twice a year.

Cuss: Like a F***ing sailor.

Sing: Only when no one can hear me.

Take a shower everyday: At night.

Do you think you've been in love: Yeah.

Want to go to college: In college now.

Liked high school: I miss my friends and some of the classes. Did I like it then? Not really.

Want to get married: I think so.

Believe in yourself: Right from the start, believe in the magic... oh, um, yeah, I guess.

Get motion sickness: Nope!

Think you're attractive: Only when I have my super hot momma outfits on.

Think you're a health freak: Not.

Get along with your parent(s): Yup.

Like thunderstorms: Much love I have for the storms.

Play an instrument: Played violin, love it still, but can't play anymore.


In the past month...

Drank alcohol: Silly question.

Smoked: Nope

Done a drug: Does Tylenol count? Then no.

Made Out: Yes

Gone on a date: Yes indeedy.

Gone to the mall?: God, no.

Eaten an entire box of Oreos?: Nope

Eaten sushi: Gross!

Been on stage: No

Been dumped: No

Gone skating: No

Made homemade cookies: No

Dyed your hair: More times than I can count.

Stolen Anything: No



Played a game that required removal of clothing: Yes

If so, was it mixed company: Yes

Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Lord yes

Been caught "doing something": Walked in on, you mean? Nope.

Been called a tease: Damn right!

Gotten beaten up: Yup

Shoplifted: No

Changed who you were to fit in: Nah


Age you hope to be married: Before I die.

Numbers and Names of Children: Jack and Rachel are front runners for names. At least one, two is good, three is pushing it, four is nuh-uh.

Describe your Dream Wedding: Shotgun.

How do you want to die: In a blaze of glory. Like... I'm 100 and jump out of an airplane and die of sheer bliss.

Where you want to go to college: Ideally? Harvard Law. Realistically? SSU.

What do you want to be when you grow up: I'm not going to grow up any more, so what's the point?

What country would you most like to visit: Egypt.


Number of drugs taken illegally: Uno. Mary Jane

Number of people I could trust with my life: One.

Number of CDs that I own: About 250 - 300.

Number of piercings: 2 in the right ear, 3 in the left... so 5.

Number of tattoos: None yet.

Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: I think about 6 or 7.

Number of scars on my body: 5 that I can think of.

Number of things in my past that I regret: Not trying harder for college admissions.

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Breaking Up - July 20, 2006
Chugga Chugga Woo Woo - June 14, 2006
Dammit.Janet. - May 31, 2006
Zee Tee-Vee - May 25, 2006
Tra-la tra-la - May 07, 2006

mind the gap